Refund Anxiety


I've been at this Indie Publishing thing for a few months and I'm addicted to checking how many units I sell everyday. I recently published my sci-fi space opera Specter of War, which is currently moving slower than I'd like, and Under the Hill, which is a compulation of a couple of my columns, and of the two Under the Hill really has me nervous because it's a satire and not everybody will get the joke. In fact, I got a very scathing review that shocked me a bit because both Tethered and Under the Hill seem to be well received. But Under the Hill is an experiment and I was prepared for it not to be as well liked, though it is selling pretty well and I'd like another review to see if the first one is a fluke or what, but anyway I was prepared for people to hate it.

I say all this to say that I was not prepared to have my first unit on returned on Amazon and saw that it was for Tethered.


It sent me into a panic: What happened? Did they hate the book? Was it not funny? Did they hate Maddie? Did the grammar monster strike again and send them fleeing? Maybe they bought it by mistake, huh? WHYYYYY?????

Since then, I've been living in fear of the returned unit. I am trapped in refund anxiety. I look at the refund section first dreading what I'll see. I know it's only one book returned in hundreds sold, but it played on my insecurity that maybe this book really isn't good... It's funny, I'm always telling people that as I writer I have a thick skin, but in actuality sometimes I can be as sensitive skinned as a new born baby.

I don't know what the cure for this is, but I guess I'll just truck on and try harder. After all, if they take the time to trash it and/or are so repealed that they had to return it, at least you made them feel something right?

Yeah, I know it still sucks! Lol and the writing continues...

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